New born Jaundice Prepared by: Dr. Abla Neyazi Definition: A condition of yellowish skin color during the newborn period due to the elevation of serum bilirubin more than 1.5 mg(normal at birth) Metabolism of bilirubin: Break down of RBC’s releases Hb which in turn disintegrates into a part called Haem containing the iron part, and Globulin the protien partm. Then Haem gets converted into bilirubin which is called unconjugated or indirect bilirubin which circulates in the blood loosely connected to the globulin. When the blood reaches the liver the bilirubin gets metabolised by series of enzymes and gets coverted to conjugated or direct bilirubin, which gets excreted via the bile duct and thrown into gut which is excreted with the stool in the form of stercobilin which colors the stool brown, or stored in the gall bladder Types: Pathogenic : Non-physiologic, prolonged, or pathogenic jaundice in the newborn may have many causes. Risk factors for a greater degree of jaundice include prematurity and different races. Other conditions may cause pathologic (disease-related) jaundice in the newborn and should be ruled out if the jaundice persists, or if other symptoms are present. These disorders include:
Breast feeding jaundice: Characterestics:
Breast milk jaundice: Characterestics: 1-Increased entero hepatic circulation or 2- Presence of certain substance in the breast milk Management:
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